Saturday, September 03, 2005

Sariaya's first and only web directory

I'm stunned seeing our web stats last night while updating the main page. I've added all the data since was launched and it shows that people especially Sariayahin abroad now know that we have our very own place on the 'net'. For complete webstat result see our home page. I'm also excited whenever I use MSN, Yahoo and Google and other major search engines because our site already tops the ranking.

Web Directory: Sariaya's first and only online marketplace for the sale of goods and services by individuals and small businesses in Sariaya and throughout the province of Quezon.

The main page is almost finish, its simple but user friendly. I dont want to put too much scripts on it b'coz i want visitors to feel straightforwardness while they're browsing the directory. My next job... to personally visit every major establishments, stores, resorts, schools, etc. on our town for listing. It will be a stiff job for me, I'm only hoping they are willing to move on to the next level of advertising their business. I'm 100% sure that this wil help them a lot.

Please e-mail me at if you want to advertise your business or call @ 042-525 8325.

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